Big Green Egg Burgers by The Culinary Studio

Earlier this week I mentioned that The Culinary Studio in Kitchener would be serving Big Green Burgers as part of their ‘Friday Hot Lunch Take-Out’ this week.  I dropped by for one and I have to say I’m a little disappointed.  I was hoping to enjoy the familiar flavors I cook up on my Big Green Egg.  Instead, the burger rudely reminded me that my skills as an amateur griller are pretty weak.  Despite cooking up some fantastic patties in my day I’m really nowhere near the true potential of the Big Green Egg.  Today was more like a ‘Friday Hot Slap-in-the-face’.

Big Green Egg at The Culinary Studio Burger Prep at The Culinary Studio

This burger was top notch…a Sir Mix-a-lot special (“real thick, and juicy”).  This and any great burger has three things:

  1. A well prepared patty.  I didn’t get a good look at what was in this patty because it only lasted about 8 seconds before it hit the bottom of my stomach.  However, I can tell you that it had a smooth seasoning and what looked like finely diced garlic inside.
  2. Great cooking.  This was cooked perfectly – juicy with a great smoke.  Exactly what you’d expect from the Big Green Egg.
  3. High quality toppings.  This little chunk of heaven came with house made ketchup, aioli, caramelized onions and 2 year old cheddar.  Slightly fancier than the ketchup and mustard burgers I throw together.

The Culinary Studio Interior The Culinary Studio Big Green Egg Burger

I’ll be keeping my eyes open for the next time they offer a ‘Friday Hot Lunch Take-Out’ from the Big Green Egg.  I may also join one of their classes and steal some secrets.

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